Who was Kyniska?

“Kings of Sparta were my fathers and brothers, and, winning with a chariot of swift-footed horses, Kyniska set up this statue; and I declare that I alone of women from all of Greece seized this crown.”

Kyniska, Princess of Sparta, was the first woman to compete in the Ancient Olympics.

She went on to win two Olympic Gold medals in the Four-Horse Chariot race in 396 and 392 BC.

This was no mean feat for a woman in Ancient Greece, as they were banned from the Olympic Sanctuary during the Olympic festival.

Kyniska was a trailblazer for women in sport.

Becoming the first woman medallist, she paved the way for other women to follow in her footsteps, changing the narrative so that we can see women thriving in sport today.

We honour her and challenge ourselves to carry on her legacy, for women everywhere.